Saturday, January 24, 2015

The Coconut Oil Secret

Coconut Oil Will Set You Free — and Improve Your Health! 


Mother Nature is incredibly generous in the way she provides - offering a bounty of fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins, minerals and nutrients to nourish your body so you can enjoy a long healthy life.

One fruit in particular - the coconut - is so abundant in its healing properties it's referred to as "the tree of life." And before World War II, people living in island countries, like the Philippines, consumed a diet that consisted mainly of rice, root crops, vegetables and an abundance of the ultra-healing superfood, the coconut.

The coconut is a "functional food" rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber - the essential nutritional building blocks for perfect health.
For generations, island people considered it "The Cure for All Illness" and consumed the meat, milk and coconut oil daily. Although this diet was high in saturated fat, Western conditions like diabetes, cancer and heart disease were virtually unheard of.
Filipinos and islanders were instead rewarded with a lovely youthful complexion, soft wrinkle-free skin, almost no skin cancer - even with excessive exposure to year round sun - and abundant good health.

 Here's a newsflash I'm sure won't surprise you... nothing concocted in a laboratory can ever replace the value of what is found in nature!

 Finally, modern medicine and science are starting to realize this fundamental truth... and it's been a long time coming. But sadly not before heart disease, cancer, diabetes, obesity and a whole host of other catastrophic diseases have reached epidemic proportions!

 Before World War II, the miracle-healing coconut had been used to help alleviate:

  • Coughs
  • Constipation
  • Malnutrition
  • Skin infections
  • Toothaches
  • Earaches
  • And more!
  •  But that all changed when the war ended and the United States proclaimed hydrogenated oils to be the "healthier oils." By the 1960s, a weak scientific theory claimed that saturated fats-like those found in butter, eggs, milk, red meat and coconuts - increased "bad" LDL cholesterol and were dangerous to consume. Nothing was further from the truth! But this “health scare” was enough to push the public away from saturated fats and instead to refined vegetable oils. This was perfect for food manufacturers because they were far cheaper to produce.
    It wasn’t long before Western-style diets made their way to the islands and the old ways were forgotten.
    Cheaper, mass-produced hydrogenated foods replaced traditional foods, like the versatile and all-healing coconut oil that had kept the islanders healthy for generations.

    Healthiest Substance on Earth!

    Outside of mother's milk there are only three dietary sources of lauric acid - and coconut oil is the most concentrated of the three!

    • The unique quality that helps coconut oil readily fight viruses, bacteria and even yeast!
    • The special reason The Health and Science Institute proves coconut oil can promote colon health!
    • A complete list of parasites, infections, and viruses that coconut oil has been shown to be effective against!
    • The recommended dosage of coconut oil to consume, based on weight, for health purposes!
    • And so much more!
       Click HERE or on the image for more information